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Last change(based on NBC extract ) made on: 2021-03-20 15:51:36

Tax Registration Number: K26513468E
Administrators: Mejtim Markeçi
Scope: Sherbim i ruajtjes dhe sigurise fizike te objekteve publike dhe private. Sherbimi i ruajtjes dhe sigurimit fizik ne mbrojtje te shendetit dhe jetes te personave shtetas shqipetar dhe te huaj. Veprimtari ne fushen e bujqesise, ne sektoret; frutikulture, blektori, shpend, bletari.
Other Trade Names: RES-03
Legal Form: Shoqëri me Përgjegjësi të Kufizuar SH.P.K
Foundation Year: 13.11.2003
District: Bulqizë
Country: Shqipëri
Capital Origin: Shqiperi
Initial Capital: 4 000 000,00
Shares: 100
Type of Ownership: Private
Number of Administrators: 1
Male/Female: Mashkull
Status: Aktiv
License(s): I.3.A - Sigurimi fizik i objekteve shtetërore e private, i personave, si dhe veprimtarive social-kulturore, sportive, fetare e politike

Diber, BULQIZE Lagjja Minatori, qyteti Bulqize.

Akte. Tjetërsim Kapitali: Ekstrakt historik i regjistrit tregtar 20.03.2021
Akti i themelimit dhe statuti
Financial Documents: Pasqyrat financiare 2013
Pasqyrat financiare 2014
Pasqyrat financiare 2015
Pasqyrat financiare 2016
Pasqyrat financiare 2017
Pasqyrat financiare 2018
Pasqyrat financiare 2019
Financial Information
Transaksione Thesari 2019- On going
Transaksione Thesari 2015-2018
Transaksione Thesari 2014
Transaksione Thesari 2012-2013
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2019: 1 996 534,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2018: 5 793 656,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2017: 6 671 471,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2016: 4 639 098,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2015: 1 813 958,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2014: 6 614 345,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2013: 2 016 842,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2012: 1 548 077,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2019:43 034 464,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2018:34 794 634,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2017:31 002 031,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2016:31 724 425,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2015:42 685 578,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2014: 32 362 748,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2013: 16 636 053,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2012: 14 865 556,00

Profit before tax versus Annual Turnover (in percentage) over the years:


Worked By : A.Lala