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Tax Registration Number: K06605205C
Administrators: Teki Xhemalaj
Scope: Import - eksport, tregetim me shumice dhe pakice te artikujve industriale dhe ushqimore, konfeksione , hidrosanitare, elektrike, elektroshtepiake, materialeve te ndertimit, pjeseve te kembimit, mobileri e pajisje , bar restorante, piceri hoteleri, ndertim , prodhim materiale per ndertim.
Other Trade Names: ANSI
Legal Form: Shoqëri me përgjegjësi të kufizuar
Foundation Year: 04.04.2000
District: Vlorë
Country: Shqipëri
Initial Capital: 154 567 287,00
Shares: 100
Type of Ownership: Private
Number of Administrators: 1
Male/Female: Mashkull
Status: Aktiv
License(s): XII.4 - Leje e thjeshtë mjedisore

VLORE Lagjja " Uji Ftohte ", Rruga "Murat Terbaci "

Vlore Orikum RADHIME Rruga Nacionale Vlore-Orikum, km 25, Lagjja Radhime, Objekt nr.1, Zona Kadastrale nr.3140

Akte. Tjetërsim Kapitali:
Financial Documents:
Financial Information
Transaksione Thesari 2012-2013
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2016: 4 709 037,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2015: 3 826 716,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2014: 2 706 126,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2013: 90 351 977,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2012: 3 732 775,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2010: 2 679 419,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2009: 30 966 984,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2016:104 173 699,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2015:66 850 411,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2014: 58 976 530,00

Profit before tax versus Annual Turnover (in percentage) over the years: