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Last change(based on NBC extract ) made on: 2023-03-28 13:25:07

Tax Registration Number: K43522627V
Administrators: Flamur Stroka
Scope: Tregeti e pergjithshme, import-eksport, tregeti prodhimesh ushqimore, bujqesore dhe industriale.
Other Trade Names: "STROKA" SHPK
Legal Form: Shoqëri me Përgjegjësi të Kufizuar SH.P.K
Foundation Year: 20/02/2006
District: Gjirokaster
Country: Shqiperi
Capital Origin: Shqiperi
Initial Capital: 100 000,00
Shares: 100
Type of Ownership: Private
Number of Administrators: 1
Male/Female: Mashkull
Assets: Gjirokaster, Furgon Benz Sprinter me targe GJ 1322 B
Status: Pezulluar
License(s): II.1.B - Shitje me shumicë e ushqimeve me origjinë shtazore (për njerez)
Legal Cases: Me date 30.05.2022, u vendos: Pushim i Përkohshëm i Aktivitetit. Statusi i Shoqerise kalon nga "Aktiv" ne "Pezulluar"

Gjirokaster, Lagjja "18 Shtatori", godine 3-kateshe, kati i dyte, nr.pasurie 57/02.02.199, 72/04.02.199, 89/11.02.1999

Akte. Tjetërsim Kapitali: Ekstrakti Historik i Regjistrit Tregtar date 28.03.2023
Akt themelimi dhe Statuti i Shoqerise
Kontrate Dhurimi Kuotash date 11.01.2016
Financial Documents: Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2018
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2019
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2020
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2021
Financial Information
Transaksione Thesari 2014
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2021: -1 986 369,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2020: 354 949,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2019: 1 143 099,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2018: 723 736,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2017: 1 187 602,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2016: 1 373 266,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2015: 502 039,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2014: 455 929,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2013: 534 066,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2012: 625 420,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2011: 1 226 747,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2010: 892 469,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2009: 936 239,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2008: 790 160,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2007: 693 400,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2021:4 144 366,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2020:33 948 216,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2019:56 633 197,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2018:62 939 253,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2017:67 370 293,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2016:68 663 294,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2015:29 603 371,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2014: 22 796 402,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2013: 16 852 235,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2012: 15 610 510,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2011: 29 208 270,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2010: 21 661 879,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2009: 22 291 410,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2008: 18 568 470,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2007: 17 336 620,00

Profit before tax versus Annual Turnover (in percentage) over the years:


Worked By : A.Baja