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Last change(based on NBC extract ) made on: 2023-03-27 07:13:45

Tax Registration Number: J99016203O
Administrators: Hazbi Mançellari
Scope: Fusha e ndertimeve, shfrytezim perpunim tregetim te lendes drusore, lavazhe, autoshkolla, transporte, pastrim gjelberim, sherbime funerale.
Other Trade Names: EUROSTIL shpk
Legal Form: Shoqëri me Përgjegjësi të Kufizuar SH.P.K
Foundation Year: 14.10.1999
District: Përmet
Country: Shqipëri
Capital Origin: Shqiperi
Initial Capital: 3 700 000,00
Shares: 100
Type of Ownership: Private
Number of Administrators: 1
Male/Female: Mashkull
Status: Aktiv
License(s): -

Gjirokaster, Permet, Lagja e re pallati 5 katesh prane salles kongresit

Akte. Tjetërsim Kapitali: Ekstrakti Historik i Regjistrit Tregtar date 26.10.2021
Statuti i Shoqerise
Ekstrakti Historik i Regjistrit Tregtar date 27.03.2023
Financial Documents: Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2007
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2008
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2009
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2010
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2011
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2013
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2014
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2015
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2016
Pasqyrat Financiare viti 2017
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2018
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2019
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2020
Pasqyra e te ardhurave dhe shpenzimeve 2021
Financial Information
Transaksione Thesari 2019- On going
Transaksione Thesari 2015-2018
Transaksione Thesari 2014
Transaksione Thesari 2012-2013
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2021: 481 001,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2020: 6 596 980,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2019: 12 343 988,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2018: 16 341 200,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2017: 9 563 951,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2016: 14 226 771,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2015: 3 300 851,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2014: -1 175 471,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2013: 951 560,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2012: 1 189 470,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2011: 1 189 470,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2010: 2 233 919,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2009: 960 219,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2008: 2 710 847,00
Profit before Tax (ALL Albanian Currency Lekë) 2007: 1 501 487,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2021:28 479 327,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2020:38 990 542,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2019:57 186 486,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2018:54 234 159,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2017:47 340 434,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2016:31 342 965,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2015:22 876 659,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2014: 12 958 254,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2013: 77 897 460,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2011: 25 734 898,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2010: 27 723 756,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2009: 12 923 832,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2008: 30 474 627,00
Annual Turnover (ALL Lekë) 2007: 16 476 849,00

Profit before tax versus Annual Turnover (in percentage) over the years:


Worked By : L.Kanani